Well you popped the question; she said yes, now what? You may think your part is done, but the wedding is just as much as the groom’s day as the bride’s. Here are a few helpful tips to make the planning process easier and make your fiancée happy!
- Share Your Opinion:
As a current bride-to-be, this is very important. We want the big day to be just as special for you. Tell your fiancée what you want included. Give your honest opinion on what your fiancée shows you. Most importantly, try to remember what you have agreed on. Do not change your mind weeks down the road as your fiancée has probably already committed to the idea. Being honest with your fiancée with help make the planning process much easier.
- Do Your Part:
The groom acts as a buffer during much of the planning process. He is a shoulder to cry on, the mediator and a means of support. If your fiancée is stressed and wants to vent about family drama, just listen. Let her talk it out without you giving her your feelings on her family members. Those comments might add to her stress and she will remember them later. The groom is also the speaker for his family. It is your job to know your family’s traditions and what you/they want included on the big day. Just be there for your fiancée. This is the beginning of your lives together. You need to be a team.
- Your Groomsmen:
Picking your groomsmen is an important task that should not be taken lightly. I am sure you have many family and friends to choose from. Although how many bridesmaids your fiancée has will usually decide the number of guys you will have to choose to be in the wedding. The best man is the most important groomsmen you will choose. The best man is in charge of the rings as well as a toast during the reception. Definitely choose someone who is responsible enough to not lose the rings and someone who will deliver an appropriate and heartfelt wedding toast. It is also your job to make sure all groomsmen know when and where to get fitted for their tuxes. Also make sure they return them the day after the wedding to avoid late return fees. Overall make sure the guys you choose are important to you. You want your best guys standing up there with you on your special day.
- Show Her You Care:
Planning a wedding is stressful for everyone involved, especially your fiancée. Giving her a little extra attention during this time will make her life, as well as yours, easier. Give her a break from the planning and take her out to dinner and a movie or even cook her dinner and have a night in. This will remind her why she said yes to you in the first place. If you really want to make her happy, the day of the wedding send her a special gift. It does not have to be anything huge just flowers or send the ring bearer to give her a special handwritten note saying how much you love her. Any extra way to say you were thinking of her will definitely make her love you more.