Happy “Fairy Godmother Friday!”
We are thrilled to continue our “All About Me” series as we introduce you to our Fairy Godmother team!
This week we proudly introduce you to Fairy Godmother Denise!

Photo by Makenzie Photography.
Denise has been with Colleen since the beginning, the VERY beginning.
In fact, the first event that Colleen ever did was with Denise!
Denise values her family and friends, but her fur babies Scruffy and Mag may give us all a run for our money!
Aside from what we already know about our spunky Denise, we asked her a few unique questions to get to know her better.
What is something that most people don’t know about Denise?
She used to show horses and she collects dolls!

Photo by Boone & Stacie Weddings.
In asking Denise if she liked to dance, we found out that she had taken dance classes for over 19 years!
Do you think that Denise would love to live abroad?
That answer was an immediate “NO!”

Photo by Left Coast By Design.
While Denise may seem like she’s into all kinds of music, she really LOVES her “Oldies but goodies!”
When Denise wakes up, the first thing she thinks about it…
It’s no surprise that this is also her favorite smell… Fresh coffee!
Denise is not just a morning person, but an optimistic person!
She views the glass half-full vs. half empty in all situations.
If Denise could have any job in the world, what would it be?
To be a Fairy Godmother, making everyone’s dreams and wishes come true! How perfect is that?!
Stay tuned for our “Fairy Godmother Friday” blog series as we continue introducing you to our Fairy Family!