Happy “Fairy Godmother Friday!”
This week we are sharing all about Fairy Godmother Marissa!
Marissa wanted to make sure that we set one thing straight, she is a country girl at heart and country music is her absolute favorite!
We asked Marissa what she thinks of first thing in the morning, and she kept it real, her answer was too perfect… “What am I going to wear today and do I feel like doing my hair?”
If she could have lunch with anyone in the world, past or present, she has two candidates… Chip and Joanna Gaines from “Fixer Upper!”
The store that Marissa would choose to max out her credit card, you ask? Easy peasy, Nordstroms!
Marissa thinks most about where she is in life, how she’s achieving her goals, and constantly reminding herself that everything is a process! …She was sure not to forget that she finds herself thinking about puppies quite often.
Dessert before dinner? Marissa says “yes!”
She says that she is a great cook, with a recipe, but she takes the most pride in her baking!
We wanted to know what Marissa dreamed of growing up to be, turns out she wanted to be a fashion designer and a NASCAR driver! She said she would have been the best dressed NASCAR driver!
Marissa finds comfort in knowing that she is a great listener and has a relatable personality.
While Marissa wishes that her favorite time of day was nap time, but it technically doesn’t exist, so her favorite time of day is bedtime!
Marissa’s best childhood memory was her involvement in sports! She says that sports are an extremely important part of growing up… It teaches kids to be tough, hard work, and what it takes to work as a team.
Strange fact about Marissa? We have one! Her favorite smell comes from her softball days when they would water down the field, but her favorite scent is wet dirt!
Her favorite smell comes from her softball days when they would water down the field, but her favorite scent is wet dirt!
All who know Marissa, know what makes her great… She says that her “spark” feature that has led her to success is being passionate!
“Once you find your passion, it won’t lead you astray!”
Stay tuned for next week’s “All About FG!”