Fairy Godmother Colleen always wanted to own a business that would give her a storefront and allow for her to give back to her community that helped build her company, and that is just how the fairytale began.
With the founding of Fairy Godmother, Colleen was able to create the Fairy Godmother Foundation. None of this would have been possible without goals and ambition. The funny part is that Colleen never dreamed she would be in the party planning business!
As a child, Fairy Godmother Colleen dreamed of being a veterinarian! She would bring home any stray animal that crossed her path. However, she followed in her father’s footsteps taking the business banking route, but something was still missing…
As Colleen’s mother hosted every event she possibly could at their home, Colleen had expert level training. After planning numerous events, with a little nudge from her fellow peers and friends, she took a leap and founded Fairy Godmother A Wedding and Event Company.
Recently, Colleen was asked to be a speaker at a local school’s “G.O.A.L.L.’s Week” which translates to “Goals of Accomplished Local Leaders.” Josh King of Independence Elementary organized for five local leaders to come and speak, these speakers accomplished many different goals in the realm of success! A local student who is off to intern with NASA, a local news journalist, the founder of Marley’s Mutts, and Miss California were the other guest speakers.
Colleen got up and spoke to over 90 6th grade students and shared with them her goals in life, and had them share their own! The students’ goals ranged from professional baseball players to successful attorneys! Talk about ambition!
While the students took away a learning experience from Colleen in sharing her achievements and successes, Colleen also learned from the students about how important it is to set goals and to always dream BIG!
As a treat for sharing their goals and dreams, the fairy magic was far from over! Fairy Godmother Colleen had La Rosa ice-cream bars for all the students, what a treat!
The Fairy Godmother crew loves to give back to the community! If you have inquiries about involvement, never hesitate to contact us!