Congratulations! You’re Engaged, Now What…?
As we continue on in our series, we are steadily approaching your magical day and we are now just three months away!
One of the most important options of your evening will be dinner if you are choosing to have a meal at your event.
You are on the downhill slide of your planning process, now it is time to go back and make sure that you finalize all of your options with your vendors… This includes finalizing your menu with your caterer. You want to make sure that in the year or so of planning that all of your desired options are still available, and still want you would like!
There are many aspects of your wedding day that everyone will remember, one of these is the food!
Some key things to remember when putting together, or finalizing, your wedding day menu would that you are not just the new couple, but that you are the host of the event to all of your guests. As hosts, you want to be sure that your wedding day menu appeals to everyone in attendance, as best as possible.
Another major aspect will be your timeline. It’s vital to keep in mind how you would like your day to flow, if you don’t want the bulk of your evening to be spent on dinner, consider your options and maybe revamp your menu a bit! Your day is completely customizable, make sure it is just as you want it.
While all of these aforementioned aspects are crucial to your big day, there is one that is even more important to consider… Your budget! If you recall, when we first began this series we advised you to create a dream day budget that wouldn’t break the bank and gave you the ability to accurately price out all of your vendors. This will play a part in your menu, as well as your guest count!
If you need a little magic in creating your wedding day menu, contact Fairy Godmother today!
Of course, never forget that this is your magical day, bon appetite!