We love our jobs! We are involved in such a happy business! We love getting the job done and working behind the scenes to ensure each client has a perfect day! What people don’t see is sometimes wedding and event vendors can get stressed out with all the work that goes into making sure the client has a flawless wedding, party, corporate event, or any other important day we plan. Fairy Godmother Colleen began to see how our creative partners were so busy and stressed in the middle of our crazy wedding and event season. That is when she decided to create the wonderful vendor bash!
Colleen wanted to give back to the creative partners that had been worked so tirelessly through the year and hold a special night just for them. With the help of many sponsors, the vendor bash was born! We settled on the groovy theme of the 70s and we boogied all night long! There were appetizers, dancing, costumes, drinks, music, desserts, and lots of fun for our creative partners who attended! We loved getting to see all of creative costumes and our beloved creative partners have a great time just for them!
It was so much fun that we decided that we have to do it next year too! So now seems like a good time to announce next year’s theme! We decided on this theme after we compiled votes from the Fairy Godmother core team and then our creative partners. Drum roll please… “Venetian Masquerade Ball” to be held on Friday, January 17, 2020! Save the date! We can’t wait to see all of our lovely creative partners there!
We couldn’t let this blog post come to an end before thanking the awesome sponsors of our vendor bash this year! Thank you: Padre Hotel, Boone and Stacie, Walker Lewis Rents, House of Flowers, Matinae Design Studio, Theresa Wooner Photography, Tina’s Cakes, Ballooniverse by Jennifer, Freestyle Event Services, and Donald and Glenn Entertainment!