Happy Fairy Godmother Friday!
On Friday’s we like to share information about our team. Today I am dedicating our blog to Denise. She is my hero! Denise for 4 plus years took care of her Mom. She was determined that she would not put her in a nursing home. There were many tough times and Denise’s mom became very feisty at the end, however Denise did not give up. She continued to take care of her and put her own life on hold. I don’t know of many people that would do this. My Mom use to say “you will be rewarded in heaven”. Well Marqaritte is now in heaven, I hope she has met my Mom they would get along beautifully and I am sure they are looking down on what wonderful things their daughters are doing with Fairy Godmother.
I am excited to be a part of Denise’s new chapter in her life!