We all know getting together with family cannot be the easiest thing to think about on its own let alone add, food, décor, and coordination to the mix and you have one overwhelming day on your hands.
Here are a few tips to stay stress free this thanksgiving season and have more time to truly enjoy the memories created.
Use items you can find around the house, literally. Go outside and gather pinecones. We recommend washing and baking them before placing on table to kill the little critters and fill your house with the scent of fresh pine. Or spray paint with your favorite accent color to take it a step further. Find items in your house to elevate your décor and create different heights.
Here Fairy Godmother Bailey used wooden stumps and candle goblets to add height.
Gather natural beauty and use leaves as your place cards
Don’t forget your food and drinks will take up some room on the table as well. So don’t dress that’s just another element of décor that you don’t have to buy. Use the food to your advantage and color to your table by placing it in a color dish or napkins.
Have fun and make memories. As always if you would like to hand these details off to a Fairy Godmother and completely relax we can plan your family dinner for you. Call us today 808-7816.