Do you love Fairy Godmother?
Do you really, really, really LOVE Fairy Godmother?
Why not share the love and support a great cause?!
The proceeds from these awesome “I love FG” t-shirts are going directly to the support of the Fairy Godmother Foundation!
If you haven’t heard before, the Fairy Godmother Foundation donates an entire wedding, with the generous help of our friendors, to a deserving couple at little to no cost to them!

The lovely ladies of Enchanted Bridal Boutique are showing off these amazing shirts!
Most every service and item is donated to the couple in honor of their magical day, how cool is that??
The requirements to receive an amazing wedding are that the couple must be facing some life altering circumstance that has caused the couple to table their wedding planning for one reason or another.
In 2015, our Fairy Godmother Foundation couple was Kurt and Blanca Dudley! Kurt had stomach cancer that, after a few years in remission, had come back post engagement as stage 4 cancer. Kurt and Blanca had a magical wedding! After a canceled experimental medical trial, Kurt sadly lost his battle in August 2016.
Kurt had stomach cancer that, after a few years in remission, had come back post engagement as stage 4 cancer right in the midst of wedding planning. Thanks to the help of the Fairy Godmother Foundation, Kurt and Blanca had a magical wedding! After a canceled experimental medical trial, Kurt sadly lost his battle in August 2016.
After a canceled experimental medical trial, Kurt sadly lost his battle in August 2016.
The next Fairy Godmother Foundation couple was Robert and Rachel Mendoza!
Their 5-year-old son, Isaac, had an inoperable brain tumor that had caused Rachel and Robert to put their wedding plans on hold. Taking care of their son, Rachel finishing her Masters, planning a family and working full time… The wedding plans were halted.
Now 9, Isaac continues his chemo treatments. Isaac’s family started the Team Isaac Facebook page to help raise thousands for the Kern County Cancer Fund and show people everywhere Isaac’s enduring spirit.
The Fairy Godmother Foundation was a dream that Fairy Godmother Founder/Owner Colleen Bauer has always had! She had dreamed of owning a business with a storefront that would give back to the community.

One of the very first brides of Enchanted Bridal, Sarah, wanted to show her support for the Fairy Godmother Foundation!
After creating Fairy Godmother A Wedding and Event Company, Colleen went on to found the Fairy Godmother Foundation, and after years of hard work and dedication, it is recognized as an official Non-Profit 501(c)(3)!
If you would like your very own shirt, contact us today or visit Enchanted Bridal Boutique and for $12.00 it can be yours!
To see and learn more about the Fairy Godmother Foundation, and the granted wishes, please visit the newly designed site by Jubilee Studios!