Why hire a Wedding Planner you may ask yourself, do I really need one?
Preparing for your wedding is huge financial and time commitment. There is so much to do between booking your date and planning the single biggest event of your life. The sheer number of decision you have to make or trying to weed through the options of vendors can be overwhelming.

And then emergencies happen like the current, the Coronavirus, if you hired a wedding planner they will help you with every detail of moving your wedding date, from working with the venue, negating contracts and working with every single vendor to move your wedding date. We often say “hiring a wedding planner is like having insurance you do not know how much you need us until you do” we are one of the single most important investments to your wedding that you will make. Your Florist, your D.J. even your venue will only be with you on the day-of. Your Wedding Planner will be with you the entire planning process sometimes we spend over 200 hours of time being your guide, your confident, your advice giver, your shoulder to cry on, and most of all your protector. If you have a Fairy Godmother, good for you! If you don’t it is not too late, we have even been hired weeks before a wedding. Talk to us today, we are happy to do a Zoom meeting with you! Take care and stay safe. We hope when the time comes that your wedding day is everything you dreamed of and more! We would love to be on your planning journey with you.